Removable Fleece

Removable fleece used to create temporary floor coverings

Removable Fleece

Schluter®-REFLEECE Schluter®-REFLEECE

Removable Fleece

Schluter®-REFLEECE is removable fleece used to create temporary floor coverings. Made of recycled PET with a self-adhesive coating on the back, REFLEECE measures 1/32” (0.8 mm) thick and is suitable for the application of temporary, removable tile and natural stone coverings. REFLEECE is easy to install and can be removed during deconstruction without causing damage to the existing subfloor.
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Removable Fleece

Schluter®-REFLEECE is a fleece with a self-adhesive backside that is suitable for the application of temporary, removable tile and natural stone coverings in the floor area.